Exhibition: "Ghouta Orientale"
France - Paris, February 3 to 20, 2020.
Organized by: Collectif des Amis d’Alep, ASML & Revivre Association with La Mairie du 2e arrondissement de Paris.

Exhibitions of the Normandy Tour
We held four open discussions after each screening of the film For Sama at four different cinemas in Normandy
France -Aunay-sur-Odon - Condé-sur-Vire - Hauteville-sur-Mer - Cherbourg. November 2019.
Organized by: KMBO, Amnesty International, la Ligue d’Enseignement de Normandie et le Réseau Génériques et la Cimade.

Exhibition: "L’Agora 2019"
France - Saint-Denis, Paris. November 26, 2019.
Organized by: L’Agora du Lab’r / DiAir.

Exhibition: "De La Syrie À L'Europe"
France - Paris. July 31 to August 4, 2019.
Organized by: Syrien N’est Fait festival.

Exhibition: "Ghouta Orientale"
France - Lyon, May 20 to 25, 2019.
Organized by: Revivre Association & Collectif des Amis d’Alep with La Mairie du 1er arrondissement de Lyon.

Exhibition: "Ghouta Orientale"
France - Lisieux, March 13, 2019.
Organized by: TANIT Théâtre.

Exhibition: "Cinque Anni Sotto Assedio A Eastern Ghouta"
Italy - Bologna, May 24 to June 9, 2019.
Organized by: Hayat association.

Exhibition: "Siria Accende La Speranza"
Italy - Solesino, April 22 to May 20, 2018.
Organized by: Amaal association.

Exhibition: "Childhood Between Rubble"
Germany - Tübingen city, September 13, 2018
Organized by: Ahmad Salah and his team.

Exhibition: "Che Ti Succede Siria"
Italy - Rome. November 18, 2017
Organized by: Idee Lista Taietta.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Bologna. November 18, 2017.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "Maps On Our Backs"
Australia - Sydney. April 14, 2017.
Organized by: Marx21.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Varese, March 8 to 22, 2017.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Bologna, March 18, 2017.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Over 350 visitors. Napoli. February 18 and 19, 2017.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "UN FILÒ PER LA SIRIA"
Italy - "Campo San Martino" in Padova. January 14, 2017.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Baricella near Bologna. November 25, 2016.
Organized by: Nour committee.

Exhibition: "Gli Occhi della Siria"
Italy - Baricella near Bologna. September 17, 2016.
Organized by: Nour committee.